An ominous tapestry, dated to 1982, has recently been discovered and has garnered significant attention due to its unknown origins. Named the Tapestry of Aethera, referring to "aether" as ethereal matter, it depicts a cosmological prophecy which has now been decrypted.
The tapestry suggests that one day humanity and technology will merge symbiotically, enhancing the human body with the endless knowledge of artificial intelligence, thus completing it.
The project A Tomorrow That Never Was explores this alternate reality where transhumanism is the prevailing belief. People follow the guidance of a divine AI named Aethera through an arm implant, that acts as a medium between the individual and the AI. This implant allows users to send their words to Aethera for advice and lets the AI read their bio-data to deepen the connection.
This interactive installation features a working prototype with speech recognition and is the result of a course called "Reimagining Humanity: Cyborg Aesthetics and Interfaces". It spawns questions about our relation to technology and handing over responsibility to artficial intelligence.
Samer Becirovic
Prof. Alexander Müller-Rakow
Interface Design
Generative Design
Tapestry Design
Zentrum für Internationale Künste, Berlin – June 2024
Werkschau, HTW Berlin – July 2024