At a time when life in the physical world, with its increasingly extensive problems, seems too complex, we take refuge in a collective simulation and manage to persist through our uploaded consciousness. But how do we encounter one another in a reality in which our consciousness is no longer bound to a biologically functional body? How will we express our personality to be more than just a set of data floating around?
These are questions that the project A New Shell approaches by thinking beyond human biology and creating an individual avatar based solely on a person's particular personality. Thus, this intuitive personality test attempts to give our consciousness a new shell.
This interactive installation is the result of a course called "Craving Future Realities: Posthumanism" and is based on research about posthumanist concepts.
Users navigate through a path system leading them to intuitively choose between two options at any crossroad based on the visual appearance of each path. These paths are created as a visual interpretation of the Big Five personality test categories.
Depending on the user’s decisions, he is being assigned one of 32 possible forms at the end, as a visual representation of his personality.
Prof. Andreas Ingerl
3D Modelling
Visual Exploration
Werkschau, HTW Berlin – July 2022